Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Been a while

Hey Folks!
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything here. I've got some bad news to post. My father died and I had to come home for the services and to help Mom get through it. He'd been sick for a few years and took a dramatic turn for the worse. I knew I'd be coming home soon to be there before he passed, but that wasn't the call I got. Once I got out of Salerno, things went pretty well. And pretty quick, too! I went from Salerno to Bagram on a chinook. Then I got a late night flight on a C17 to Qatar. I then had to change into civvies and fly airliner from Doha to Dubai, Dubai to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Detroit, Detroit to Charlotte. I think I had an hour or so between flights, but that was at the most. I head back today, unfortunately. Thankfully, mid April isn't as far away as it used to be! I should be back to civilian life by early May. Not long now!


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