Monday, August 22, 2005

Long time comming!

I finally got Allen to send me an entry:
I know it's been awhile since I've updated anything on this site so, for those of youwho have been checking regularly, I'm sorry. For those of you who haven't, I guessit's OK. Anyway, I've got more than a couple things to update everyone on. Not all ofit good unfortunately. We have had the unthinkable happen. SGT Heselton, one of our mechanics, was killed inan ambush between Sharana and Orgun-E. Not that anyone will really know where thatis, but don't worry. That part doesn't matter. What matters is that he will be missedby more than just his family. I wish I had a picture of him for the site. I amplanning on getting one and posting it soon, though. So I would ask that everyone whochecks this, pray for his family, both at home and here. We've also had a heart attack, and various other incidents that I can't really gointo here, but will make great memoirs later. The heart attack was my boss, MSGRaymann. He didn't mean to, but he found a way to get home. Unfortunately it meant hehad to get a stent, but he's home. And to think it only took a 90% blockage to do it!He's fine, but the Army doesn't seem to want him here anymore. He's already got morethan 20 years in so he went ahead and retired, which his wife doesn't seem to mind.It also means I was left as the NCO In Charge (NCOIC) of Battallion Operations. So Iwas monitoring everything going on for 500+ soldiers. An interesting job to say the least. But the powers that be decided that a lowlystaff sergeant couldn't do the job and sent in MSG Niles. Actually I didn't mindthat, after all I've worked with him before and know how to play well with others. Sothings are OK. Also, if I'm looking at my countdown clock right, we're at 33% of our deployment hereand closing in on next April. Plus I've got leave in about a month! Cool! If anyoneis also following my wife's website (it's linked to this one) you'll see that mydaughter just got her first tooth! That's going to be cool to see! Until she bites myfinger or something....Signing off for now. Hopefully the next post wont take me quite as long!


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