3 May 05
Hello everyone!
I realize that I haven't kept this blog up to date very well, but now maybe I can doa little better. I am finally here in Afghanistan and every computer I touch has anice little feature that prevents any means to update the site. I can look at it,same as you, but I can't update a thing! But my wonderful wife will be updating thesite from home so everyone, please, give her a big thank you.Anyway, as I said, I'm here in Afghanistan. In between the last update and now, I'vefinished training and been home for a few days and then got on a plane and travelledfor (including an overnight stop) 40 something hours. But I'm here. Bagram Air Field(BAF) is an interesting place. In many ways it's just like any other foreign dutypost in that there are funny little cars and trucks as well as foreign civiliansworking here, but the fact that I carry my weapon around with live ammo is a slightlydifferent situation from what I'm used to. We've also got bunkers to dash into eitherwhen we hear what they call the 'Giant Voice System' or actual explosions. So far wehaven't heard a thing, which is not bad. Advance Party had a rocket attack aftertheir 2nd day here and a lot of them slept through it! The rockets, by the way, arenot like you might expect. They are primarily the 107 mm rockets which the insurgentslike to prop up on rocks somewhere about a mile away or so, set them on timers and leave. Most of the time they hit outside of the perimeter, andnot inside. At least this is my understanding, you can judge the accuracy or lackthereof yourself. Hopefully I'll never have to.I'll write more later, I promise! If my wife can get the picture thing to work, youcan see some of what I see just outside of my hut. The mountains are beautiful! Allen
I realize that I haven't kept this blog up to date very well, but now maybe I can doa little better. I am finally here in Afghanistan and every computer I touch has anice little feature that prevents any means to update the site. I can look at it,same as you, but I can't update a thing! But my wonderful wife will be updating thesite from home so everyone, please, give her a big thank you.Anyway, as I said, I'm here in Afghanistan. In between the last update and now, I'vefinished training and been home for a few days and then got on a plane and travelledfor (including an overnight stop) 40 something hours. But I'm here. Bagram Air Field(BAF) is an interesting place. In many ways it's just like any other foreign dutypost in that there are funny little cars and trucks as well as foreign civiliansworking here, but the fact that I carry my weapon around with live ammo is a slightlydifferent situation from what I'm used to. We've also got bunkers to dash into eitherwhen we hear what they call the 'Giant Voice System' or actual explosions. So far wehaven't heard a thing, which is not bad. Advance Party had a rocket attack aftertheir 2nd day here and a lot of them slept through it! The rockets, by the way, arenot like you might expect. They are primarily the 107 mm rockets which the insurgentslike to prop up on rocks somewhere about a mile away or so, set them on timers and leave. Most of the time they hit outside of the perimeter, andnot inside. At least this is my understanding, you can judge the accuracy or lackthereof yourself. Hopefully I'll never have to.I'll write more later, I promise! If my wife can get the picture thing to work, youcan see some of what I see just outside of my hut. The mountains are beautiful! Allen
Hey Alan -- Andrea sent me this so I could keep up with you, Ann, and the kids. My prayers are with you all. Keep safe. Love, Cheryl (Andi's Mom)
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