Sunday, September 04, 2005

Outside the Wire

Here are some pictures from my little ride outside the wire day before yesterday. These folks have next to nothing, but I still saw multiple motorcycle shops, beauty shops, homes made from the back end of trucks, all sorts of stuff. I didn't get pictures of everything, becuase the humvee windows are small and I got a lot of the sides of trucks and bushes instead of what I wanted. Oh well. Lots of kids waving and giving a thumbs up, too. Anyway, it was an interesting trip. Just a few hours and we were back. All in all, I'd say it was pretty easy for my first expedition outside the wire. There was an interesting contrast between the town and some of the new construction going on right outside. I tried get some pictures of that, but they didn't come out. Some of that new construction looks like it could be back home!


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